Why Bub? ... but really, why?

Bub is being built for few reasons
  • I want to
  • It's an easy and relatively uncomplicated project
  • It's easy and relatively inexpensive to make something completely mad
  • I like having a project
However, my excuse for doing it now is ......


And I'm reminding you all now because I'm looking for a co-driver.

Yes, for only £2287 you can share a lunatic car, with a mad petrolhead for nearly 3 weeks on a genuine trip of a lifetime:
  • The cost of £2287 covers your entry fee as per the website
  • cost of fuel, road tolls, food, drugs, drink etc is shared between us
  • I cover the cost of the car, tax, insurance, MOT, recovery etc
  • the cost is based on the 2 of us sharing a room but I never snore and only fart rainbows 
  • Preparing the car for the trip, choice of music, stickers, radio, Mad Max accessories is a joint activity
I can't sign up until I know I have a co-driver (you don't have to drive but you will be on the insurance) and I'd like to get that sorted ....

If you know me well enough to join me then you'll know how to get hold of me
