Well, it hit the fan a little faster than normal
Yesterday, I was sitting looking admiringly at the photos of the car with the new tyres against it and I suddenly realised that while 235/75 is fine for the rear, it is probably too wide for the front and will make the steering very hard, put pressure on the steering box and reduce the turning circle... I need narrower fronts!
Enter www.tiresize.com ... again
I had choices
Bottom line appears to be that 195/80s will fit under the standard arches with no modifications, barely reduce turning circle and input (remember it's running 185s just now and steering is no issue). Bearing in mind that my overriding criterion is reliability, I don't want to be upgrading steering or it breaking mid road trip so the 2 front tyres will be swapped for 195s. I bought them from Tyres Direct UK who have been extremely helpful.
I think I've made a mistake! |
Enter www.tiresize.com ... again
I had choices
- 215/75 - 0.8" narrower but 1.2" smaller. A big drop in height for not enough width gain
- 205/70 - 1.2" narrower & 2.6" smaller. Great nose down look but not narrow enough?
- 195/80 - 1.6" narrower and 1.6" smaller. Certainly narrow enough but too low?
Bottom line appears to be that 195/80s will fit under the standard arches with no modifications, barely reduce turning circle and input (remember it's running 185s just now and steering is no issue). Bearing in mind that my overriding criterion is reliability, I don't want to be upgrading steering or it breaking mid road trip so the 2 front tyres will be swapped for 195s. I bought them from Tyres Direct UK who have been extremely helpful.
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